Active Harmonic Filters neutralise active harmonics. A harmonic is a voltage or current at a multiple of the fundamental frequency of the system. They are a result of non-linear electrical loads and occur within an installation but also reside in the power grid. These additional harmonic frequencies can cause power quality problems because they interfere with electrical equipment, cause overheating and system failures. Not only does this lead to interference and downtime in your energy delivery but will also cause undue stress on your equipment, increasing your maintenance and repair costs. Active Harmonic Filters prevent this by neutralising these polluting harmonics and ensuring regulated, consistent and safe power.
Active Harmonic Filters can also be called Active Power Filters. Their installation can solve harmonic issues by neutralising potentially harmful harmonic currents and delivering a ‘cleaner grid’. Even if your business is not currently experiencing any notable power quality issues, Active Harmonic Filters are recommended as a preventative solution. Their presence in new installations will save you money over time by reducing maintenance costs and minimising any power disruptions which may cause downtime within your business.
We recommend Circutor’s floor mounted, cabinet type active harmonic filters for most of our clients. Their key features include:
- Grid resonance detection
- User-friendly
- Flicker compensation
- Reactive power compensation
- Harmonic compensation
- Insensitive to network conditions
- High performance
- Excellent reliability
- Compact design
- Load balancing
- Extendable modular system.
Cabinet Type Active Harmonic Filters
Smaller Active Harmonic Filter cabinets can be installed on a wall within your business site. The weight of an Active Harmonic Filter cabinet will depend on its capacity, differing for each client according to their requirements. All installations are simple, and our engineers are experienced in the process for a wide range of industrial applications.
Cabinet filters are fitted with an easy to read user interface. Here you can carry out the commissioning, operation and diagnosis. Engineers use this information to review the functionality of the filter as well as identifying any system errors. This allows easy control of the operating parameters. The datalogger also acts as an alarm, able to alert you or our engineers to any serious problems which the Active Harmonic Filter is unable to deal with independently without human intervention. Early alarms enable early interventions, minimising servicing costs and downtime caused by any issues.
With Circutor Active Harmonic Filters, the data gathered by the cabinet is also available remotely via external ethernet communications. This means that if you are experiencing any issues, Quality Energy can offer a fast diagnosis remotely and a costly on-site visit is often unnecessary if the problem can be fixed by our engineers from the office.
Multi-functional Active Harmonic Filters
Fluctuations in harmonics levels mean that an active harmonic filter needs to be able to react and compensate for these harmonics independently and without human involvement at any given moment. A multi-functional parallel active filter will deliver the most complete solution for industrial, commercial or service installations. These filters can deal with the consumption of reactive power where required as well as harmonic mitigation, delivering superior service and optimising power quality.
Active Harmonic Filters adapt to changes and expansions of load types, performing global or selected compensations of harmonics to maintain power quality and delivery. Thanks to advanced and complex engineering, Active Harmonic Filters deliver smooth, uninterrupted and safe power to industrial applications without the need for onsite engineers overseeing your power quality on a daily basis.
Who Needs Active Harmonic Filters?
Industrial facilities and electrical installations often require active harmonic filters to regulate polluting harmonics. If your business is experiencing disturbances in your electrical installations, such as short-term power outages, an active harmonic filter should be installed. We recommend Active Harmonic Filters be installed from day one. It shouldn’t be a reactive answer to an identified problem. Pre-emptive, preventative installation can save businesses time and money in the future.
Quality Energy installs high-quality Circutor Active Harmonic Filters. We believe these are the best systems available on the market and suit a range of industrial and commercial needs. To find out more, visit our Active Harmonic Filters page and browse the range available, or call our experts today to discuss your industrial setup.
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